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How Long Does Someone Stay in Rehab for Alcohol

How Long Does Someone Stay in Rehab for Alcohol

Lots of people are curious about if they start getting treatment from a rehab center for their addiction to alcohol then how long they will have to stay there for a complete recovery. There are many Alcohol Rehab Centers nowadays that are helping people overcome alcohol addiction and return to a happy, healthy lifestyle. In the article below, we will discuss what is exactly mean by alcohol rehab and how long someone stays in rehab for alcohol in detail. The time people have to spend in rehab centers is going to depend on different factors like the intensity of alcohol addiction, the person's physical and mental health, treatment methods, and the power of the patient to go back to a normal routine.

What is Alcohol Rehab?

It is very commonly known that Alcohol Rehab Centers have the objective of helping people recover from emotional, mental, or physical problems after their alcohol addiction. Alcohol rehab centers treat people mentally and physically in a friendly atmosphere. In alcohol rehab, improvement in the person's skills, liberty, and overall quality of life is the main goal. 

Importance of Alcohol Rehab

The following facts help to explain the importance of alcohol rehab services:

  • Courses at alcohol rehab centers make sure that people have a proper time schedule and that they have been administered by medical professionals.
  • People will receive medical as well as psychological help in alcohol rehab.
  • Leaving alcohol can be challenging. Taking Advantage of Mental Health Services at alcohol rehab can be really helpful when people give up alcohol.
  • Courses and programs at rehab will inform people about alcohol's effects on the body and the reasons why people start abusing it.

Factors Determining the Duration of Alcohol Rehab 

There are many factors that will determine and influence on how long a person has to stay at an alcohol rehab center in order to cure fully. Usually, an alcoholic patient has to stay at an Alcohol Rehab Center for 30–90 days, but there are some things that have a great effect on the duration of staying at an alcohol rehab center. Those are:

Alcohol Addiction

How much a person is addicted to alcohol will be a main factor in how long he has to stay in a rehab center to leave the addiction and go back to his normal routine.

Medical History

Each person has a different medical history, and according to that, the duration of alcohol treatment is decided. In some cases, a patient has to stay at a rehab center for a long time to be completely healthy.

Support from Family and Friends

Every alcoholic person can be back to routine life soon if he gets good support from family and friends. A good response from the family will encourage the person a lot to leave the alcohol and go back to a healthy life.

Patient’s Willingness

The personal willingness of the victim to leave alcohol and start again a normal life with family and friends has a great impact on the duration of alcohol treatment. If a person happily wants to leave Alcohol Addiction, then surely he will have the willpower to get treatment and get rid of this abuse as soon as possible.

Age Factor

The age of an addicted person will absolutely have a great effect on the duration of treatment, aged people have to stay longer at rehab centers because their immune systems are weak so the treatment process will be slow for them.

Rehab Duration for Alcohol

There are two types of patients or we can say addicted people for whom the treatment standards are determined according to their mental and physical health and the intensity of their addiction. Obviously, the person with a stronger alcohol addiction will have to face a long treatment, and a person who is not so addicted will have a different type of treatment.

Duration of Detoxification in Alcohol Rehab

Detoxification is the main step in the Treatment of Alcohol Addiction. In this process, harmful or destructive materials, especially toxins or drugs, are removed from the body of the patient. This is a difficult task because the effects of leaving alcohol can be very irritating and painful. The process of detoxification can take a few days to a few weeks; it depends on the physical condition of the patient.

With detoxification, all toxins are removed from the body of the addicted person under medical supervision.

The medical staff continuously examines the patient and makes sure that the patient has a smoother withdrawal process.

Physical and emotional support is available throughout the treatment process.

Duration of Detoxification in Alcohol Rehab

Benefits of Detoxification

  • It improves metabolism and overall health by decreasing restlessness and increasing energy.
  • Detoxification improves the performance of the body's resistance systems and the immune system by reducing the effects of harmful substances.
  • Detoxification restores and supports the digestive system of the patient.
  • After completing a detox program, some people feel more determined and emotionally stronger.
  • The long-term health advantages of Detoxification include a lower chance of developing chronic illnesses, including cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.

Duration of Inpatient Alcohol Rehab 

After sanitization of toxins from the victim’s body, the next main step or treatment is started, at this stage it is decided whether the patient has to stay at the rehab center or not. 
This treatment type is for people who are strongly addicted to alcohol and feel it is difficult to leave them. In this treatment method, patients stay in the rehab center for the full 30, 60, or 90 days until they feel that they are no longer addicted to alcohol and are able to live a normal life. 

In 30 days of inpatient alcohol rehab, medical professionals provide quick and easy treatment and complete medical and emotional support for the whole time duration.
A 60-day treatment program provides more time and support for the patient to recover mentally and physically. 

Above all, a 90-day program has higher success rates. Detoxification, intake and assessment, counseling, self-help groups, and the creation of an aftercare plan are all included in this plan.

Benefits of Inpatient Alcohol Rehab

  • Inpatient treatment has a highly controlled setting free from outside interference; in this program, patients concentrate completely on their recovery.
  • The patient can receive medical care around the clock in case of emergency, especially during the detoxification period when withdrawal symptoms can be severe.
  • Professional treatment and counseling sessions are provided to patients.
  • Complete aftercare planning is offered by Inpatient Treatment Centers to make sure patients have access to services and assistance even after they leave the program.

Duration of Outpatient Alcohol Rehab

The outpatient rehab treatment method is different from inpatient rehab because, in this treatment, patients do not need to stay in the center. Patients can live at home after treatment hours. In this treatment method, different sessions of counseling are taken weekly according to the mental and physical condition of the patient, and after reducing the symptoms of addiction, the duration of counseling is cut short. This treatment method takes 90 days to 6 months.

Benefits of Outpatient Alcohol Rehab

  • People can join outpatient therapy programs to handle their everyday tasks, including jobs, education, or family.
  • As outpatient rehab does not need overnight stays or round-the-clock care, it is normally less expensive than inpatient therapy.
  • People can apply the skills and talents they learn in therapy to their daily lives with outpatient rehab.
  • From strict treatment to independent living, Outpatient Rehab helps people to get back into society gradually and stay healthy.

Duration of Alcohol Rehab Counseling Sessions

Counselors and therapists talk to patients and provide guidance during their recovery process. Individual therapy, group therapy, and family therapy are decided for the addicted person according to their will and emotional condition.
 Individual therapy sessions can last anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour and are common once a week.

The duration of group therapy sessions takes around 60 to 90 minutes and can be taken several times per week throughout the rehab program.

  • Family therapy includes meetings with the patient and their family members. This 60- to 90-minute lesson can be taken once a month.

When should someone leave an alcohol rehab center?

To recover totally and return to a normal routine, 30 days is not enough. Some people may look physically fit, but they still need more emotional support for a complete mental recovery. In such situations, it is always good to consult with the Healthcare Professionals at the alcohol rehab center about your mental and physical health and let them decide when it should be good for you to leave alcohol rehab.

Is Alcohol Rehab Protected by Insurance?

Various insurance plans cover some or all of the expenses related to alcohol rehab. It is important to check with your coverage provider for exact coverage details.

Alcohol Rehab Protected by Insurance

Final Thoughts

Overall, there are different factors that determine the time period for how long someone stays in rehab for alcohol. This time period will be different for everyone according to their mental and physical condition. Addicted people get responsibility, education, counseling, and support in alcohol rehab centers as their journey toward recovery gets started. People usually have to decide between 30-day, 60-day, and 90-day programs.

By Top Rehab Facilities / July 12, 2024