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Top Rehab Facilities

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There are 1 Top Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Centers in Buffalo Gap, TX Offering Opioid Treatments Including Drug & Alcohol Treatment Programs.

Buffalo Gap is a small town located in Taylor County, Texas, with a population of around 500 residents. The town is known for its rich history, dating back to the 1800s when it served as a major stop along the Texas and Pacific Railway. Today, Buffalo Gap is a peaceful community with a charming downtown area featuring historic buildings, shops, and restaurants. The town also boasts scenic views of the surrounding countryside, making it a popular destination for outdoor enthusiasts. In terms of physical and mental health, the residents of Buffalo Gap prioritize overall well-being and access to healthcare services. The town is home to several medical facilities and clinics that cater to the needs of the community. However, like many other areas in the United States, Buffalo Gap also faces challenges related to drug addiction and substance use. According to recent statistics, there has been an increase in the number of individuals struggling with addiction in Buffalo Gap, particularly among young adults. Local authorities and organizations are working to address this issue through education, prevention programs, and access to treatment resources to support those in need.

Alcohol & Drug Rehab Centers in Buffalo Gap

A variety of rehab centers in Buffalo Gap, TX that offer different drug addiction and alcohol treatments

402 A Mulberry Street, Buffalo Gap, TX 79508

Shades of Hope Treatment Center

Private health insurance

Alcohol and cocaine are the major desasters for this generation. Shades of Hope Treatment Center giving best solutions for alcohal addictions treatment that include anger management and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Our comprehensive programs include therapy, counseling, and support groups to address the root causes of alcohal addiction. By promoting healthy coping mechanisms and providing continuous support, our rehab treatments help individuals manage their addiction leading to long-term recovery and improved well-being.


Anger management Cognitive behavioral therapy Motivational interviewing Matrix Model Relapse prevention Trauma-related counseling 12-step facilitation


Long-term residential Short-term residential

Age Limit

Young Adults Adults