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Top Rehab Facilities

134 User Rating

1 Top Private health insurance Rehabilitation Centers Private health insurance Treatments Including drug Treatment Programs.

230 Mesa Verde Drive East, Center Point, TX 78010

Starlite Recovery Center Accepts Private Insurance

Military insurance
ITU funds

Methamphetamine and cocaine use can lead to severe physical and mental health issues, including addiction, cardiovascular problems, and mental health disorders. Starlite Recovery Center treatment programs for methamphetamine and cocaine addiction include comprehensive care through detoxification, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), and counseling.


Anger management Brief intervention Cognitive behavioral therapy Motivational interviewing Matrix Model Relapse prevention Trauma-related counseling 12-step facilitation


Outpatient Intensive outpatient treatment Regular outpatient treatment Residential detoxification Long-term residential Short-term residential

Age Limit

Young Adults Adults