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Top Rehab Facilities

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There are 1 Top Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Centers in Seminole, TX Offering Opioid Treatments Including Drug & Alcohol Treatment Programs.

Seminole, Texas is a vibrant city located in Gaines County in West Texas. With a population of around 7,000 residents, Seminole offers a close-knit community atmosphere with a range of amenities for its residents. The city is known for its strong agricultural industry, particularly in cotton farming, as well as its oil and gas production. Seminole boasts a variety of recreational opportunities, including parks, sports facilities, and community events, making it a great place for families and individuals alike. When it comes to physical and mental health in Seminole, like many communities across the country, there are challenges related to drug addiction and substance use. According to local health officials, there has been an increase in substance abuse cases in recent years, particularly involving opioids and methamphetamine. The community has been working to address these issues through education, prevention programs, and access to treatment services. While the numbers are concerning, there are also efforts being made to provide support and resources for those struggling with addiction in Seminole.

Alcohol & Drug Rehab Centers in Seminole

A variety of rehab centers in Seminole, TX that offer different drug addiction and alcohol treatments

702 Hobbs Highway, Seminole, TX 79360

West Texas Centers Gaines County

Military insurance

Smoking and trauma can have profound effects on physical and mental health leading to dependency and emotional distress. Our rehabilitation center offers advance level treatment programs that combine medication and therapy to address these issues effectively. For smoking cessation, we provide nicotine replacement therapy and medications like varenicline or bupropion, supported by personalized counseling to manage cravings and triggers.


Cognitive behavioral therapy Group therapy Individual psychotherapy



Age Limit

Children/Adolescents Young Adults Adults Seniors