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Top Rehab Facilities

134 User Rating

1 Top Smoking Cessation Rehabilitation Centers Offering Smoking Addiction Treatments Including Quit Smoking Cessation Treatment Programs.

702 Hobbs Highway, Seminole, TX 79360

West Texas Centers Gaines County

Military insurance

Smoking and trauma can have profound effects on physical and mental health leading to dependency and emotional distress. Our rehabilitation center offers advance level treatment programs that combine medication and therapy to address these issues effectively. For smoking cessation, we provide nicotine replacement therapy and medications like varenicline or bupropion, supported by personalized counseling to manage cravings and triggers.


Cognitive behavioral therapy Group therapy Individual psychotherapy



Age Limit

Children/Adolescents Young Adults Adults Seniors

Seminole - Texas

Seminole is a city in and the county seat of Gaines County, Texas, United States. Its population was 6,430 at the 2010 census. Seminole and Gaines County are home to a large population of German Mennonites from Russia that came to West Texas in the 1980s.It is the birthplace of country music singers Larry Gatlin and Tanya Tucker.
