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Top Rehab Facilities

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There are 1 Top Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Centers in Snyder, TX Offering Opioid Treatments Including Drug & Alcohol Treatment Programs.

Snyder, Texas is a charming city located in Scurry County, with a population of approximately 11,000 residents. Known for its rich history and strong sense of community, Snyder offers a tranquil atmosphere with a blend of small-town charm and modern amenities. The city boasts a thriving economy with a focus on agriculture, oil and gas production, and manufacturing industries. Residents and visitors alike can enjoy a variety of recreational activities, including parks, museums, and cultural events that showcase the city's vibrant heritage. In terms of physical and mental health, the residents of Snyder, Texas prioritize their well-being through access to healthcare services and wellness programs. However, like many communities across the country, Snyder is not immune to the challenges of drug addiction and substance abuse. According to recent statistics, Snyder has seen an increase in drug-related incidents, with a growing concern over the misuse of prescription medications and illicit substances. Community organizations and healthcare providers in Snyder are working diligently to raise awareness about the dangers of substance abuse and provide support for those struggling with addiction. By promoting education and prevention efforts, the city is striving to create a healthier and safer environment for all its residents.

Alcohol & Drug Rehab Centers in Snyder

A variety of rehab centers in Snyder, TX that offer different drug addiction and alcohol treatments

1300 26th Street, Snyder, TX 79549

West Texas Centers Scurry County

Private health insurance

Through our cognitive behavioral treatment, patients learn to develop healthier coping strategies and improve their emotional regulation. Cognitive behavioral psychotherapy is widely used for conditions like anxiety, depression, and addiction, promoting long-term mental well-being by addressing the root causes of emotional distress. By addressing the root causes of emotional distress, CBT promotes long-term mental well-being and empowers individuals to make positive changes.


Cognitive behavioral therapy Group therapy Individual psychotherapy



Age Limit

Children/Adolescents Young Adults Adults Seniors