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Top Rehab Facilities

134 User Rating

1 Top teen clientele rehabilitation centers teen treatments including inpatient rehab for teens programs.

222 West 6th Street, San Pedro, CA 90731

Guidance Center San Pedro Teen Rehab Los Angeles


At Guidance Center San Pedro in San Pedro, CA, we provide compassionate and personalized care for individuals of all ages, including teens, children, and adults. Our outpatient program offers specialized treatment for trauma, accepting Medicare, cash, and self-payment options to ensure accessibility for all seeking healing and recovery. Our dedicated team is committed to guiding our clients towards a brighter, healthier future.


Activity therapy Cognitive behavioral therapy Couples/family therapy Dialectical behavior therapy Group therapy Individual psychotherapy



Age Limit

Children/Adolescents Young Adults Adults

San Pedro - California

San Pedro ( san PE-droh; Spanish: "St. Peter") is a neighborhood located within the South Bay and Harbor region of the City of Los Angeles, California, United States. Formerly a separate city, it consolidated with Los Angeles in 1909. The Port of Los Angeles, a major international seaport, is partially located within San Pedro. The district has grown from being dominated by the fishing industry, to a working-class community within the city of Los Angeles, to an increasingly dense community.

San Pedro